Feedback Management Tool

add feedback for every product

Feedback management tool makes it simple to gather customer reviews of products and enhance customer service. You can quickly add the feedback widget to your website to enable users to leave comments.

Feedback Management Tool

Feedback Management Tool Allows You to Gather Client Testimonials for Each Product

A platform for managing client feedback makes it simple to gather product reviews and improve the customer experience

feedback management tool leave note
add your domain name

Add Your Domain Name

Create unique domain names for your business and manage feedback with this super easy tool. Your domain name can help you attract new customers and market existing ones.

secured feedback page

Secured Feedback Page

Add Secured Feedback Page to your website to secure your domain. This sample app is the easiest way to secure your domain from phishing without modifying your web application.

advanced search filters

Advanced Search Filters

Use advanced features such as advanced filters, filtering by project, and filtering by voting type such as upvote, resolved bugs, etc.

c-name forwarding

C-name Forwarding

Use C-name forwarding to manage your online feedback and rating to get good results from your website. We will forward your C-name to any URL as many times as possible.

What is Feedback Management Tool?

A feedback management tool is a software application that helps businesses collect, track and manage customer feedback. It provides a centralized platform for storing customer feedback and allows businesses to track and respond to feedback in a timely manner.

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