Email Notification

to receive live feedback status notifications

Receive instant email updates when package status changes, quickly and easily view your delivery information. Email notifications can help you easily keep track of important details.

Email Notification

Analyze Your Products With Email Notification Live Updates

Add multiple projects to one dashboard and get the feedback from all in one place. Switch projects easily with a menu, and add new projects with one click

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real time status updates

Real Time Status Updates

Get real-time updates of product changes and feedback from your users. Easily manage product bugs and keep all stakeholders informed of the product's status.

advanced search filters

Advanced Search Filters

Use advanced features such as advanced filters, filtering by project, and filtering by voting type such as upvote, resolved bugs, etc.

feedback management

Feedback Management

Enables users to actively contribute to the growth and development of the Help Site by actively participating. Consequently, through the enhancement of features and functions within the project, the project will be able to cater to the needs of the users.

communicate progress

Communicate Progress

Communicate your progress by letting customers know what they can expect while collecting their feedback. Add more features to keep people interested in your product and ensure its quality.

what is Email Notification?

Email notification is a feature used to get live notification of product feedback. This feature will be enabled soon.

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