a key metric dashboard is a visual display of kpi
The goal of a key metric dashboard is to give decision-makers a quick and easy way to see how the organisation is doing on different measures. The dashboard could also show things like target values, actual values, and trends from the past.
Such as data warehousing and business intelligence to provide a complete picture of an organization's performance.
When assessing a company's success, it's vital to focus on a select few measures. Revenue, profit, market share, and happy customers are all examples of such indicators.
Enhancing the dashboard's usability and giving it a unique feel can be accomplished through a few simple customizations. Add or remove widgets, alter the color palette, and rearrange the dashboard to your liking.
When notify you of specific occurrences, you can set up alerts or notifications on your smartphone. You can, for instance, configure an alert to sound when you have a pending review or new feedback.
We can now readily examine client comments thanks to this data export. The information consists of reviews and feedback from clients. The data can be exported to a variety of formats, including CSV, JSON, XML, and SQL.